Wednesday, 30 March 2011

Feeling..Doctorish today. :D

Healing a broken heart is a process that takes time, but it can take less time when you know what to do. Explore these three steps to discover how you can start healing from a heartbreak sooner.
It is human nature to form emotional love attachments. Then, when the relationship is no longer viable or sustainable for whatever reason, most of us find it very difficult to let go without feeling intense pain and loss – heartbreak.
It is a hard place to find oneself, but there is a light at the end of this dark tunnel, even though it may not feel like it right now.
Hard as it may seem, the day will come when you’ll wonder why you felt so much agony letting this person that you thought was “the one” go.
Healing A Broken Heart – Step One In The Emotional Healing Process
The first step toward total emotional freedom from the loss of a relationship is to let go at a deep level.
What this means is making a conscious effort to wipe the memories and thoughts of your ex clean from your mind, for a time.
You will know when to revisit the memories when there is no longer emotional pain or obsessive thoughts about your ex. In order to cleanse your thoughts, you have to be conscious of them when they come to you.
Are you thinking constantly of your ex – constantly going over scenes of the breakup or scenes in your mind of the two of you together?
Are you keeping tabs on your ex’s family or circle of friends – going on Facebook or other social sites to keep up to date with what’s going on in your ex’s life since the breakup?
Don’t let yourself indulge in these types of actions or behaviors because it will make it harder to heal from a broken heart. When you think these thoughts, replace them with other thoughts and for now, do not keep in touch with your ex. Instead of trying to find out about your ex, or going places where you might run into your ex, do just the opposite.
If you continue the behaviors that keep your mind engaged, your heart will remain engaged also, which makes it much more difficult to overcome the pain of a breakup.
If you still have hopes for a reunion – the fact is – it may not work out.
Try not to hold expectations of rebuilding a relationship with your ex right now or entertain hopes for a certain outcome – doing this opens the door for that to actually happen more than anything else you can do right now.
The first step for healing a broken heart – let go of your ex on every level. If you have reminders in the way of physical possessions, put them out of sight for now, if possible.
Imagine a conversation – tell your ex that you want only the best for them and that you are releasing and forgiving them.
Doing this is an important first step in your healing process.
Think about this imaginary conversation with your ex whenever you feel the pain of separation.
It’s fine if you are still feeling low or start reliving what might have been. Embrace the pain so that you can let it go.
Realize that even though it feels like the world has come to an end, what is actually happening is a chance for a new beginning.
Healing A Broken Heart – Step Two In The Emotional Healing Process
Refocus yourself on your overall life goals. If you haven’t made long termgoals for your life, engaging yourself in this process is a healthy way to create a new beginning for your life.
These goals and plans don’t have to be set in stone, but what it does is get you moving again in a positive direction.
When we experience breakup pain and anxiety, we’re unable to move forward because of this constant emotional pain.
Putting together a good plan for your life – setting attainable fun goalslike losing weight or getting into shape is an important step on the road to feeling good about yourself.
Engage your imagination during this process. Think about your best possible life. Know that you can be a happy person whether you’re with a lover or not.
Know that the world is filled with unlimited opportunities for love, wealth, creativity, happiness and connecting with other people.
Healing A Broken Heart – Step Three In The Emotional Healing Process
Take actions for a better you. Step two was envisioning what you want. Now, it’s time to take action to create a new life for you.
What did your life look like before your relationship. What made you happy? What is your passion?
The most important thing is to love yourself first.
Discover what makes you happy…revisit your passions. Find out what makes you feel the best about you and pursue it.
Move toward your life’s calling and destiny and trust that love will happen for you when the time is right.
Once you feel at peace…when you can truly appreciate the gift of this priceless learning experience then you know you are well on your way.
Acceptance is the key. Accepting that you aren’t a perfect person and that your ex isn’t perfect.
When you can be grateful for the time you spent together and for what you’ve learned – this is when you’ll know you have arrived at your new beginning, broken heart mended and stronger than ever.


  1. Oh man tis came just at the right time felt like you were talking directly to me, even dropped a tear as i was reading this.

    thing is though how many times in a life time can we go through this, this is my third time and frankly i am tired, iver decided that this is the third and last time, im done no more falling in love i cant deal with so much pain

  2. love the pik
